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New Site Location for RepRap Posts

I have migrated my previous posts over to my new domain (you’re already there). This new blog will have all sorts of hacks, articles and general technology projects that I work on, most being open source. Coming up soon will be posts of some of my 3D object designs and some guitar related electronics projects.

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Slic3r and Spiral Vase Mode – Odd Glitch

Slic3r and Spiral Vase Mode – Odd Glitch

I decided to try out the new spiral vase mode in Slic3r. What this does is print an object in a continuous extrusion, rather than the normal stop, raise to next layer, then continue like usual. The idea is to create a seamless print that is in theory water-tight. Something glitched on my printer part way through… I’m not sure what happened. The end result is that the glitch slowly worked its way around the vase as it printed....

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Don’t Release the Magic Smoke

Don’t Release the Magic Smoke

It is well established that all micro electronics work by containing an active loop of magic smoke. As long as the magic smoke is contained within the circuit everything works well. However, many things can conspire to break this wonderful system. You will know when this happens, because you will observe the magic smoke leaking out of your device. In all seriousness, a bad crimp on a heavy gauge wire going to the heated bed platform...

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Mendel Rebuild

Mendel Rebuild

I posted the other day the lastet build description of my Prusa Mendel i2. I used that build to print a new set of parts that were printed with a focus on part strength and solidness as opposed to economy of printing. After I had a full set of parts ready, it was time to tear it all down and rebuild it. Here is a picture of the basic framework assembled: Note there are some changes from previous build and a stock i2 build: I removed the...

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Two Teethy Tikis

Two Teethy Tikis

    After my latest refinement of my 3D printer, I found I was starting to get some really decent prints. Yesterday I received some very nice 1.75mm PLA from Revolution Printers, and decided to try it out. This filament prints very evenly at 200C, and produces a very nice glossy surface. These two “Teethy Tiki” models from cereberus333 are straight off the print bed, printed with a 0.4mm nozzle at a 0.25mm layer...

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Latest Build

Latest Build

I have taken a lot of photos, but have not really posted much to the site so far. I was meaning to post more of the build, but got caught up playing around with different ideas and parts for the printer. From this I have learned a fair bit and recently rebuilt the printer to something closed to my ideal for the Mendel design. I immediately put it to work to build some nice really solid parts to be rebuilt with. Better, faster, stronger. I...

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It Glows!

It Glows!

I discovered that the green plastic I recently started printing with was black light responsive. I looked up the specs for the black lighting I had installed in my PC and found it would probably run OK on the printer’s power supply. I quickly designed some clips in Sketchup and printed them off. The result is a pretty cool visual effect while it is printing:

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